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Project Overview

This is the most successful artwork product selling company in the world at delivering the best graphical artwork product.

As a company providing artwork products selling and they are assembling photo frames with given customer requirements.


It is a retail art gallery in which it quickly grew into a 20,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art factory.

They provide their clients with an innovative product line while maintaining the service of a second-generation, family-run business. They are providing a complete artwork solution, the most   consistent quality, and on-time delivery.

  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Retail Management
  • Scrap Management
  • Warehouse and Logistics
  • Supply Chain Management

How We Did It


Customer Dependence Product

As per customer requirement make one base product using multiple sub-products. In sale order lines have two option standards and customs that used to Customer Requirement wise product selling.

Make a Sale Order Report Item-wise

Make a sale report that used to customer buying products related data print in pdf format like. Product name, modify items as per customer requirement, price, discount, tax  etc.

case study result
Stock Tracking & Management

Make a stock analysis report that used to stock balances and statistics are automatically updated when sale orders and purchase  orders are processed.

HR Payroll Commission Tracker

Generate commission report for salesperson wise like how much commission is owed to each salesperson and showing everything.

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