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Odoo CRM Lead Automation

Trigger various automation on Leads/ Opportunities.

Kanban Color Change of Lead/Opportunity and Send E-Mail

CRM - Lead/ Opportunity Automation

Category: Custom Modules

Version: Odoo 8.0, 9.0, 10.0      

Leading A business where you prefer priority of lead/opportunity of your company to handle promptly? 

No Worries. Caret has covered this customization to provide you this facility very easily.

Note – Assuming you have installed our custom module.

 Configuration Required,

  • Configure stages of lead/opportunity. Select the field you want to monitor, an action you want to trigger and before/after timing to trigger selected action.

  • Giving a configuration example – suppose you have a scenario to send reminder mail to a customer if you don't receive any update on an opportunity by a customer. Before closing opportunity You are checking opportunities and sending reminder mail to a customer, Here is a very simple configuration which will set the expected closing opportunity to green color before one day and will send Auto-generated reminder mail to customers.

Configure stages of lead/opportunity. Select the field you want to monitor, an action you want to trigger and before/after timing to trigger selected action.

 An Example of Kanban Color Change,

 An Example of Kanban Color Change,

Newly Created Opportunity is set to Green color, And mail will be sent to a customer.

An example of mail,

Newly Created Opportunity is set to Green color, And mail will be sent to a customer.

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